Pool Safety

Safety is a top priority here at Aqua Bliss Swim to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all, therefore I ask all pool users to adhere to the following health and safety information below and make themselves aware of the PSOP (pool safe operating procedure) within the pool area by the first aid box upon arrival:

Pool Specifics:

  • Pool Size: 6700mm x 3700mm
  • Depth: 3ft – 6.2ft
  • Pool design: Constant slope
  • Water Temperature: Average 30*C.
  • The pool has a 3-tread standard ladder for access to the pool at the shallower end
  • There is a pool cover on a manual reel system located at the deeper end of the pool. No one other Samantha Newsome is to touch, play with, move, or replace the pool cover before, during or after use due to health and safety.
  • There are a range of toys / floats available for you to use during your session here at Aqua Bliss Swim.
  • Do not touch or remove any signs/ information that is there for your safety.
  • Chairs are available at the side of the pool should you wish to take a break and relax.

Changing rooms:

  • There is a single cubicle available with a portaloo and portasink, and space for 1 person changing at a time.
  • Baby changing mat can be provided upon request
  • There are no showers onsite so we ask you are mindful of this and shower before coming, in order to remove any creams, lotions or fake tan that could potentially affect the water clarity / chemical balance within the pool resulting in the potential to affect your session.


Due to having no Lifeguard the following applies:

  • Group leader is fully responsible for the health, safety and wellbeing of all people within the party during their set hire time.
  • Pool Rules Must be followed at all times
  • No SOLO SWIMMING at any time
  • Minimum of 2 Adults must be present within the pool area at all times
  • Minimum age for pool use – 3 months old
  • Children must be accompanied by a minimum of two competent adults who can look after the child in an emergency.
  • A maximum of 6 bathers adhering to the swim ratios below, may use the pool at any one time (unless otherwise stated)
    Age Ratio
    Under 5’s 1:1
    Over 5’s 1:2


  • There is no onsite parking. Pool users are therefore asked to be considerate of neighbours at all times when parking and are asked to refrain from parking directly outside houses number 1-5, or across the road at the office building.
  • Free parking is available there is a car park not far, above B&M / behind Wetherspoons / next to King George’s park where parking is free for 2 hours (this information will be shared with all users) but again we ask all users to be mindful of the local community when parking.

Floats and Toys:

  • Floats and Toys can be found in the basket in the pool room
  • These are to be used at your own risk – please check age restrictions on floats / inflatables and follow guidance regarding safety and ages on back of each float/ inflatable before use
  • Please place all floats and toys back where you found them at the end of your session

Building access

  • Both pool doors will be open prior to visit for fire safety reasons, in the instance that the owners are not on site users will be informed prior to session and given instruction to open both doors having obtained the keys from the key safe (combination code provided)
  • There is a small step leading into the building and a sloped driveway upon arrival.
  • We ask all visitors to remove shoes upon entrance, or to use shoe covers provided to minimise dirt within the pool area.

Plant Room:

  • This is an unauthorised area due to high levels of chemical found inside. Only persons authorised by the owners will have access to the plant room locked via coded padlock and appropriate safety signs are visible on door entrance.  Please keep all persons in the party away from this area at the side of the pool building at all times.
  • Should someone access this room please inform Samantha Newsome immediately.

Health Precautions – When Not to Swim

  • Anyone suffering from diarrhoea or sickness or have suffered in the past 72 hours should not swim.
  • People should not go in the pool if they have open wounds, severe eczema flare up or any infectious skin complaint, including chicken pox/ shingles and ringworm.
  • People should not go in the pools if they have colds, flu, fever, conjunctivitis, Covid-19 or other infectious illnesses.
  • People whose illness or treatment makes them susceptible to infection, or could put them at risk in water (ie epilepsy, blood pressure, heart and breathing issues) must seek medical advice before swimming and have written GP permission to swim before using the pool facilities.
  • People should not swim if they are affected by drink or drugs.
  • Children shouldn’t swim on a full stomach
  • Babies swimming and immunisations: Here at Aqua Bliss Swim we follow the guidelines set by the Government, NHS and Swim England. (See section 2.22 for specific swimming information). The government and NHS now advise babies can swim any time before or after their immunisations, please see their website for more details, NHS Booklet – A Guide To Immunisations however Swim England advise babies not to swim before 3 months due to regulation of body temperature and vulnerability. Therefore, our advice is DO NOT swim under 3 months of age.

First Aid:

  • The first aid box is clearly visible in the pool room via the sticker on the wall – please make yourself aware of this when entering.
  • The name and mobile number of Samantha Newsome is located on the front of the first aid box.
  • The group leader is responsible for the health, safety and behaviour of all members in the group and for escalating issues to the Pool Owner Samantha Newsome. (e.g. contacting the Pool Owners in the event of an accident or reporting broken equipment)
  • In the event of an emergency a suitable adult within the party must take appropriate action and if necessary call 999 immediately (the Group Leader must have a mobile phone with a useable signal at every session).
  • There will be no trained First Aider on site, the Group leader is responsible for the health and safety of all members of their party and must take appropriate action should an accident/ injury occur.
  • Groups leaders are responsible for completing accident/ incident form and reporting it to pool owner as soon as possible during their visit. If pool owner isn’t on site at time of incident Group leader must telephone and inform Samantha.
  • If possible, lifesaving should be carried out from the poolside using the equipment supplied (first aid kit) and guidance from the 999 call.

Serious Injury to a Bather:

  • Clear the rest of the bathers out of the pool and assess the injured bather. Call 999 if appropriate and alert the pool owners who can close the pool if necessary.
  • Ask the rest of the bathers to get dressed and wait outside. Keep the injured bather safe and warm until help arrives. If a spinal is suspected keep the casualty in the pool and immobilise. Any injury requiring hospital treatment must be recorded in the accident book providing: Name, address, age and cause of accident.

Lack of water clarity / Faecal matter or vomit in the pool / Diarrhoea in the water / Blood in the water:

  • Remove all users in party from the pool
  • Inform Samantha Newsome immediately
  • If necessary, for health and safety reasons, Aqua Bliss Swim is in their right to end the session in order to take appropriate action.

Outbreak of fire:

  • In the event of a fire everyone must leave the building using the nearest exit and go to the fire assembly point (Driveway in front of the garage door)
  • If safe the building should be checked for anyone left inside.
  • Call 999.
  • Alert Samantha Newsome if not on site
  • Do not re-enter the building until Samantha Newsome and/ or fire brigade say it is safe to do so.

Lighting Failure:

  • Aqua Bliss Swim has a wind-up torch located next to the first aid kit for use as emergency lighting should there be a lighting failure.
  • The lights on entrance and exit are solar powered so light can also be found by opening the doors.
  • All bathers must leave the pool and change immediately, which they can do using the emergency lighting.
  • Contact Samantha who will close the pool and resolve the fault. The pool will remain closed until lighting is restored.

Structural Failure

  • Depending in the severity of the failure, evacuate the building and call Samantha Newsome. Do not allow anyone to enter the building. Assemble at the fire assembly point and wait for pool owners to arrive.

Emission of Toxic gases

  • Evacuate the building and call the pool owners. Do not allow anyone to enter the building. Assemble at the fire assembly point and call Samantha Newsome and 999.

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